Sticking with the theme of cleanses, I thought that a post about food would be appropriate to follow yesterday's about clutter. I don't know about you, but my Facebook wall has exploded with meal plans, recipes, and selfies of before and after shots to showcase what clean eating can do for you.
I am a naturally thin person. I have never had to worry about what I ate, let alone diet. However, about a year and a half ago I noticed my waistline growing. I first noticed it right after the holidays, in January, and at first thought that perhaps I ate way more Christmas cookies than I realized. But by the time March rolled around and I still felt heavy, I knew it wasn't the cookies, it was something more. I was bloated. My waistline varied greatly not only from day to day, but even hour by hour. There were times my belly looked as big as it did when I was 5 months pregnant! That wasn't okay!
So, I decided to do something about it.
I had the p90x home workout program and loved it! I felt fantastic after completing it the year before and so I didn't hesitate to buy the newest version, p90x3 to help get myself back to me. I even added on the Shakeology meal replacement to help with any digestive issues I was having. Well... I wasn't that impressed with either and I didn't see the results that I did with the original or what everyone else seemed to have that also used this program.
Fast forward to May 2015. I had ruled out lactose intolerance and a gluten allergy (on my own, why go to a Dr.?) but still felt bloated, not all of the time, but enough where I was not happy with how I looked. So, I decided to try another Beachbody program, the 21 Day Fix Extreme. The extreme program was the newest and I wanted the extreme over the original because of the lack of results I saw with the p90x3 program. Along with this program came a meal plan, a portion controlled extreme plan which consisted of clean eating. I figured for 21 days, why not? I gave it my all.
The results? First, I have to say that I love Autumn, the instructor and creator of the 21 Day Fix. The workouts were new and fresh and I was sore for 2 weeks straight! Loved them! As far as the meal plan went, it wasn't as hard as I thought it might be. It was doable. I was never hungry and by the end of the 21 days, my waistline looked like I wanted it to! I definitely got what I put into the 21 days... literally! I filled my body with nutritious and healthy food and my body responded by looking healthy and I felt healthy too! Mentally, that made me feel happy and proud and sexy!
I finished this program about 3 weeks ago and the bloating has not returned. I wasn't a horrible eater to begin with, that is why it wasn't that difficult for me to do this, but I am a snacker. Cutting out those extra sugars made a world of difference though. Now I just need to find and maintain a balance of healthy eating and enjoying my cake and eating it too every once in a while.
Physical clutter in our surroundings can wreak havoc on our lives in many ways, but our own personal clutter, as in what we put into our bodies can do the same. Our colon, kidneys, liver, and skin... all work so hard to protect us. If we help them, just a bit, that can make a huge impact on how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.
For me, when I began my journey towards happiness, my first step, as I shared yesterday was to declutter. It was far easier to declutter my apartment than my mind. But after I decluttered my physical space, I worked on my mental health. It wasn't until 2 years later that I felt I was in a healthy enough mental state to move on to the next goal. That is when I started to workout with the first p90x program. You need to have a healthy mind first, otherwise you can diet and workout from morning until night and you still won't be satisfied with your results.
It's not about numbers (the scale, your clothes, your waistline). It's about being healthy... mind and body. It's about you being the best version of yourself and loving yourself for who you are!