Thursday, April 23, 2015


After sharing this new blog on Facebook (what did we ever do before FB!?!), I now consider it officially launched!  I have to admit that I am equally excited and terrified at the same time.  I'm excited to share thoughts, ideas, articles, and many other positive and inspiring words and stories that I come across with all of you.  I am hopeful that there will be a following on this blog, a community in which we can share and communicate from all walks of life, across states, even countries.  But I am also terrified.  I'm terrified in sharing such personal details about my own life mainly because of that innate need to protect my son.  There is much that he is not aware of because he is so very young and if I could, I would protect him from any and all hurtful truths and experiences that he can and will encounter throughout his life.  Since I am fully aware that is impossible, I instead feel the need to control what can be controlled.  This blog is releasing some of that control and it is scary.  I'm choosing to do this to help raise awareness, to let go and put faith in humanity, and to step outside of that comfort zone with fingers crossed that this decision will lead to something never expected and entirely worth it!  A friend shared this quote just yesterday, and I couldn't think of a better time or place to share it (thanks Melissa!).

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