First off, I have spent lots of money. But in a good way. A fun way. When I signed up with Lemongrass Spa it only cost $99 for a package full of samples to introduce myself to more products and to share with others during my spa parties. I could have got by with just that, atleast to begin with, but when I really set my mind to something, like really, I like to go right at it. I wanted to add more products to my sample kit, so I did. I wanted to create an ambiance at my parties, so I bought glass jars, lemons, baskets, and even a lemongrass candle. I've always wanted business cards, so I created those and had a blast doing so on Vista. I bought some other essentials like soaking tubs and towels. I bought little jars for samples. I bought the cutest clipboards and colorful pens. I have found Picmonkey and have become addicted to creating posters and banners because its so much fun! Yes... I was/am that person and I enjoyed every bit of it! That's part of the beauty of this, I have complete control as to how I want to present myself and my business. It's such a fantastic and liberating feeling!
After buying and testing out a few items myself, I came to quickly realize how much I truly love the Lemongrass Products. I use LGS products almost exclusively. Facial cleansing, makeup, deodorant, bug spray, sunscreen... just about everything now. There are some products that I absolutely love and there are some that are no better or worse from any other that I have used except... I know that LGS is safe and healthy for me to use. I may not notice it in that instance, but in the long run choosing chemical and toxic free products is the better choice. I almost feel dirty now when I use regular soap. I feel guilty when I use the last of the old sunscreen on my son. So I guess you could say I have been converted (and that I have splurged!) And you know what, I am worth it!
I have probably had the most fun however with giveaways! I have given quite a bit away for free. Part of it has been to introduce people to Lemongrass Spa. The other part is that it just truly feels good to do so. I feels good introducing (mainly) women to a healthier alternative to products that they and their families use on a daily basis. And although the products are more expensive than picking up something from Walmart, it really is not that much more. The products are reasonably priced and worth the extra cost in the safety benefits. I was a single mom for almost 4 years, I know how tight money can be, so finding an affordable product was very high up on my list. It's not about the money.
It can be a tricky thing though... getting to people. My friends have been great in supporting me and buying products. So far they all seem to love them, which is fantastically reaffirming to me. Social media is helpful as well in contacting people that I know, but do not see on a daily basis. (I am actually holding a virtual Facebook party on Tuesday!) Although I am finally starting to learn how to use Facebook as a business and its limitations. In July I will start to expand out to family (next time I see them) and that is exciting. But in the meantime, I need to be brave and bold and introduce myself to others out there... neighbors, parents that I meet through my son, etc. I am not that outgoing and that is going to be a stretch. I will need to step outside of my box even further. At the same time, I should be prepared for some slow times and when they come... I need to take a deep breath and continue on. Stay positive. Stay focused. And just enjoy the ride for as long as I want to stay on for!
Although I have stated that this is not about the money, there is money involved and I have been making it. It's what I have chosen to do with it that has made this venture feel intrinsically rewarding. I have used my money earned to help buy and use products that are safe and healthy for myself and my family. I have used it to buy samples and full sized products to send and share with others. I have used it to donate to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I have used it to help create and grow a business that can support the first three. That makes me happy. It's not just about me. It's not just about my family. It's about others as well and playing a small part in hopefully making a difference in someone else's health.
I have to admit that I feel like being a Lemongrass Consultant feels more like a hobby than a business. I am enjoying it that much. I have found a positive purpose in doing this crazy thing called direct sales, something I never ever thought I would do.