Thursday, December 6, 2018

The BIG Three

No, no, no... I am not making a This is Us reference.  I am referring to this year's list of "To Do's" before I turn 40.  (Is she still talking about that?  Yes, yes I am!  lol) 

It was about this exact time of year last year when I found out I was picked in the lottery I entered to run the NYC Half-Marathon.  When the reality hit me that I voluntarily signed up to run 13.1 miles, which would take me hours, that's when the idea to create a "To Do" list emerged.

Number 1
So, yes I did run that 1/2 marathon, the day after St. Patrick's Day (One day I will join my Irish hubby and celebrate, this past March was not the year, lol).   And... I kicked ass!!!  I finished that race in 2 hours and wait for it... 22 lousy seconds!!!  UGH!!!  I didn't know.  My watch, the last leg where they posted  meters instead of miles.... I was confused.  Had I known I was SO SO close to that 2 hour mark, I think I could have pushed it to finish under 2 hours, like 1:59:59.  LOL   One thing I do know, I will never run the NYC Half again.  I know I will want to beat that time.  But that is a time I am already very proud of and yes, I'll admit, I am not sure if I can beat it.  So I am going to take it happily and walk away.

P.S.  My goal is to run atleast one half marathon a year.  I am aiming to get into the Brooklyn Half this year!

Number 2
My number two just recently arrived to my in a little black book.  😏  A boudoir session seemed like a necessity to capture me in my last few months in my 30s.  I had always wanted to do it and it was so much fun!  My photographer was awesome (and a high school friend).  I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.  I actually took it at the end of June... I didn't have a summer glow and I wasn't in the best shape.  (I kinda took a 3 month vacation from consistently working out after that half marathon, lol).  But, that was my moment and I am so happy for taking that plunge, in a completely different way than Number 1.

I loved adding accessories!  So much fun!!

P.S.  I plan on doing another session in a couple of years.  I so want my forty something body to kick my 39 year old body's booty!

Number 3
I had a really, really hard time coming up with a third item.  But I felt like there needed to be atleast 3 things.  I didn't want to jump out of a plane, no desire.  I already have tattoos.  So.... I decided to take on an 80 day workout program, The 80 Day Obsession.  I started the day after my son's birthday, September 9 and figured I would end at the end of November.  Well... I didn't take into consideration that its actually 80 days of working out and that one day off a week wasn't counted into that number.  So instead of already being done with the program, I will finish it Saturday, the day before my birthday.  I couldn't have planned it any better, or worse.  Fortunately, I have been healthy for 80+ days and didn't miss a single workout.  The only thing I did was replace a cardio workout with a run a bunch of times to help me train for a few 5Ks I ran during this time.

How do I feel?  I LOVE this program honestly.  After just a couple of weeks, that layer of fat that I felt I was surrounded in seemed to dissipate.  I am leaner and stronger!  I took the diet part in the first month seriously and it went down hill from there, oops.  BUT, working out everyday is no longer a chore I dread.  Its' become part of my nightly routine.  So next week, I plan on continuing to exercise.  If I take too much time off, it will be just like starting all over again and I don't want that.  I am going to relax with some yoga for a week or two and then move on to a more intense program.

In case you are wondering, I workout from home and use Beachbody On Demand.  I love Autumn Calabrese.  I thought I'd hate her and her rock hard ab body, but I don't.  She makes the workouts enjoyable.

So, there you have it.  My Big Three!  It was nothing crazy.   Maybe a bit lame to some.  But all 3 pushed me outside of my comfort zone and towards something that I have never done, but wanted.  I feel healthy and accomplished.  And I am building upon all three in this upcoming year in my new decade.

What about you?  Have you ever had a bucket list of any kind?  I'd love to hear, please share!!!

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